The review policy


All articles pass the review procedure. The editorial board organizes a double-blind review. Each author has the ability to track the stages of the own-blind review article by e-mailing the following address: .

A receipt for the service will be sent after receiving a second positive review.

The editors defined the following order of reviewing manuscript:

1. The author sends an article to the editorial board that meets the requirements of the policy of the periodical "Law and Innovations" and the rules for preparing articles for publication. Manuscript that does not meet the specified requirements is not registered and is not allowed for further consideration, and we report to authors.

2 .The review is conducted by the responsible reviewers appointed by the responsible editor of the periodical "Law and Innovations".

3. For the review of manuscripts can act as reviewers as members of the editorial board and third-party highly skilled specialists who have deep professional knowledge and experience in specific professional fields.

4. During review, responsible reviewers fill out a review form.

5. The interaction between the author and the reviewers is carried out by e-mail with anonymity on both sides.

6. If the responsible reviewer indicates the necessity of making certain corrections in the article - the article is sent to the author with the suggestion to take into account the comments when preparing an updated version of the article or to argue them to refute it. Before the article is redrafted, the author must add a message containing the answers to all comments and explain all changes made in the article.

7. The corrected version is repeatedly submitted to the reviewer for the decision and preparation of the motivated conclusion about the possibility of publication. The final decision on the possibility and appropriateness of the publication is taken by the chief editor in accordance with the recommendations of the chief secretary of the journal.

8. After obtaining positive reviews the manuscript is sent to literary and technical editing.

9. The recommendation for edition of the next issue of the magazine (with the indication of content) is made by the Academic Council.



As part of its editorial policy, the Law and Innovation Scientific and Practical Journal consistently adheres to the publishing standards of COPE Code of Conduct, approved by COP (Committee on Publication Ethics).

The editorial staff reserves the right to edit the manuscript stylistically.

The author necessarily agrees with the author, which, in the opinion of the editorial board, can change the content of the text.

The editorial board makes the decision to publish the article.

The editorial board reserves the right to reject articles that do not meet the editorial requirements and ethics of the publications.

Materials that do not meet these requirements are not accepted and will not be returned to the authors.

In cases of plagiarism, the authors of the materials provided are responsible.